Grahd Tü

Grahd Tü is a Norwegian doctor, screenwriter and producer who now lives in Hollywood, California. He is responsible for all maintenance and janitorial work at Chrollie Awards events and film festivals.

Early Career

Tü finished his medical studies at the age of 21 to please his parents, but he was already developing an unhealthy obsession with the visual arts and cinema. As a teenager, he had made two shorts with his cousin and submitted a screenplay to his local television station.

After his screenplay was rejected, Tü moved to Canada and began pursuing other avenues to enter the world of cinema. He tried joining the Office national du film du Canada (National Film Board) but was refused entry because of his young age. The constant rejection led to Tü suffering from a severe case of depression. After going through a mental breakdown, he traveled to France where he tried to get work in independent film.


Tü would eventually find his way to Hollywood, California and meet Benjamin Chrollin, host of Chrollie Awards, in a public bathroom at a dance club. They quickly became friends after discovering their mutual love for film.

When Chrollin asked him why he wasn’t pursuing a career in medicine, Tü responded, “there is only one type of healing my soul can experience…and it is that of filmmaking.” Despite being confused by this statement, Chrollin agreed to give Tü a tour of an upcoming Chrollie Awards film festival. Finally, Tü requested to work for Chrollin in exchange for food and shelter. This immediately resulted in his new career as Head of Maintenance at Chrollie Awards.

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